

Major : 智能制造工程
Degree / Award Title : 工学学士 (智能制造工程)

Aims of Major

This major emphasizes the integration of basic knowledge in intelligent manufacturing systems, innovative process design and automation, advanced manufacturing technologies, systems modeling and optimization, and quality and reliability engineering, with particular emphasis on electronics and semiconductor manufacturing. This multi-disciplinary program aims to produce graduates capable of using cutting-edge engineering knowledge, computational, experimental and analytical techniques to plan, design, implement and improve technology-based manufacturing and operations systems and enterprises.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Major (MILOs)

Upon successful completion of this major, students should be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and intelligent manufacturing engineering to analyze and improve operations systems and enterprise performance, particularly in electronics and semiconductor manufacturing.
  2. Design and conduct experiments, analyze, and interpret data relevant to the planning, processes, logistics, and operations systems in an enterprise, specifically in electronics and semiconductor manufacturing.
  3. Design processes, systems, products, and services to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  4. Function effectively and responsibly in multidisciplinary teams to achieve synergistic benefits.
  5. Identify, evaluate, formulate, and solve engineering problems relevant to the planning, processes, logistics, and operations systems in an enterprise, and undertake projects of discovery and innovation.
  6. Explain professional and ethical responsibilities.
  7. Stay abreast of contemporary issues in intelligent manufacturing engineering.
  8. Demonstrate effective communication skills.
  9. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a broad, global, and societal context.
  10. Recognize the need for, and demonstrate an ability to engage in, lifelong learning.
  11. Use necessary engineering and IT skills and tools for engineering practice, discovery, and innovation.

Degree Requirements


Normative 4-year Degree

University requirement

26 credit units

Gateway Education requirement

30 credit units

College requirement

6 credit units

Major requirement

81 credit units

Free electives / Minor (if applicable)

9 credit units

Minimum Graduation Requirement:

152 credit units

Maximum Credit Units Permitted:

168 credit units

Additional Information

Major core courses include:

  • Fundamental Engineering Analysis and Design for Manufacturing Engineers I&II
  • Numerical Computation for Manufacturing and Systems Engineers
  • Smart City – a Systems Engineering Perspective
  • Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
  • Manufacturing Engineering Workshop
  • Engineering Statistics and Experimentation
  • Automation Technology
  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Design and Analysis of Manufacturing Processes and Systems
  • Production Planning and Control
  • Operations Research
  • Quality Engineering
  • Electronic Packaging and Materials
  • Digital Manufacturing and Operations
  • Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Technology in Manufacturing and Operations
  • Industrial Data and Manufacturing
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control
  • Manufacturing Systems Modelling and Optimization
  • Reliability Engineering


Major electives include:

  • Principles of Electrical Engineering
  • Logic Circuit Design
  • Electronic Devices and Circuits
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Communications and Networking
  • Internet Technology
  • Modern Physics
  • Control Systems
  • Contemporary Human Factors for Industry 4.0
  • Basic Methodologies and Tools for Risk Engineering
  • Capstone Project I
  • Robotics and Machine Vision
  • Principles and Transport Process Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing
  • Smart Sensors: From Engineering to Applications
  • Advanced Technology in Biomedical Devices
  • Nanostructures and Nanotechnology
  • eLogistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Project Management
  • Occupational Safety for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
  • Quality and Environmental System and Management
  • Directed Studies
  • Non-Destructive Testing Technologies for Process Monitoring and Inspection
  • Decision Analysis and Risk Management
  • Product Development and Innovation


Normative 4-year degree students are required to fulfil the internship/consultancy project/research project requirement in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the respective program.

*Course offerings are subject to availability and updates.