简介 李娟 副校长(学术) 香港城市大学协理副校长(内地策略) 讲席教授、博士生导师 一、人物履历 2003-2006 香港大学商学院,博士研究生 1999-2002 美国弗吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学统计学系,硕士研究生 1992-1997 北京大学信息管理系,本科生 二、研究方向 -市场营销战略 -创新和价值创造 -组织间关系及跨学科研究 三、研究成果 李娟教授是战略领域的国际知名学者。李教授卓越的科研成就与对高等教育的突出贡献有目共睹,获香港城市大学商学院优秀科研奖、教学奖、香港城市大学杰出研究奖等多项殊荣。李娟教授的学术著作获国际学者的广泛引用,在学术界及其研究范畴有重大和广泛影响力,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。 Referred Journal Publications Hou, Tianyu and Julie Juan Li. 2024. Conceptual Underpinnings: Theory Selection in Strategic Management Research. Management Decision, in press Ren, Yeyao, Julie Juan Li, Wenhong Zhao, and Liang Zhang. 2024. The Delicate Equilibrium: Unveiling the Curvilinear Nexus Between Supply Concentration and Organizational Resilience. British Journal of Management, in press Ruiz Serrano, Andres, Andrea Musumeci, Julie Juan Li, Mauricio Ruiz Serrano, and Carolina Serrano Barquin. 2024. Rationality and the Exploitation of Natural Resources: A Psychobiological Conceptual Model for Sustainability. Environment, Development and Sustainability. in press Hou, Tianyu, Yue Fang, Julie Juan Li, Jun Lin, and Qin Su. 2024. Building Organizational Resilience: The Role of Supply Chain Board Members and in Supply Network Positions. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 71, pp. 6929-6949. Wang, Qingtao, Xuan Bai, and Julie Juan Li. 2023. Achieving Value Co-creation Through Cooperation in International Joint Ventures: A Two-level Perspective. International Business Review, Vol. 32, No. 1 Hou, Tianyu, Julie Juan Li, and Jun Lin. 2023. Neighboring Knowledge Recombination: Knowledge Relationship Intensity, Neighboring Knowledge Concentration, and Knowledge Impact. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, in press Hou, Tianyu, Julie Juan Li and Jun Li. 2023. Linking knowledge search to knowledge creation: the intermediate role of knowledge complexity. Management Decision, Vol. 61, No. 5, pp. 1156-1182. Hou, Tianyu, Julie Juan Li, and Jun Lin. 2022. Recombination of Knowledge Components and Knowledge Impact: Neighboring Components Versus Distant Components. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, in press Wang, Qingtao, Julie Juan Li, Defeng Yang. 2022. Unequal Participation in Joint New Product Development: The Roles of Information Opportunism Concern and Contract Binding Force. Journal of Business Research, 145: 21-34. Wang, Qiong; Li Cheng; Christopher W. Craighead, and Julie Juan Li. 2022. The Roles of Locus of Causality and Buyer Attribution in Resolution of Recurrent Supplier-induced Disruptions. Journal of Operations Management, 68(1): 55-93. Bai, Xuan, Qingtao Wang, Shibin Sheng, and Julie Juan Li. 2021. Cross-level Interpersonal Ties and IJV Innovation: Evidence from China, Journal of Business Research, 134: 618-630. Bai, Xuan, Shibin Sheng, and Julie Juan Li. 2021. Governance Mechanism Alignment at the Top and Operating Levels of Alliance Hierarchy: Reconciling Two Competing Schools of Thought. European Journal of Marketing, 55(7): 1873-1900. Bai, Xuan and Julie Juan Li. 2021. Alliance Justice and Relational Performance: The Mediating Role of Boundary-spanners’ Citizenship Behaviors. Management Decisions, 59(2): 223-239. Cheng, Li, Christopher Craighead, Qiong Wang, and Julie Juan Li. 2020. When is the Supplier's Message “Loud and Clear”? Mixed Signals from Supplier-Induced Disruptions and the Response. Decision Sciences, 51(2): 216-254. Zhang, Chun; Xu Zheng, and Julie Juan Li. 2019. Is Collaboration a Better Way to Develop Trust After Opportunism? Distinguishing Firm and Boundary Spanner Opportunism. Industrial Marketing Management, 82: 38-51. Bai, Xuan, Jeanine Chang, and Julie Juan Li. 2019. How Do International Joint Ventures Build Legitimacy Effectively in Emerging Economies? CSR, Political Ties, or Both? Management International Review, 59(3): 387-412. Sheng, Shibin, Kevin Zhou, Julie Juan Li, and Zaoyang Guo. 2018. Institutions and Opportunism in Buyer-Supplier Exchanges: The Moderated Mediating Effects of Contractual and Relational Governance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(6): 1014- 1031. Zhang, Chun, Julie Juan Li, and Ying Huang. 2017. Sustaining Relationships after Opportunism and Misunderstanding. Marketing Letters, 28(2):305-319. Wei, Zelong, Hao Shen, Kevin Zhou, and Julie Juan Li. 2017. How Does Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility Matter in a Dysfunctional Institutional Environment? Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 140(2): 209-223. Wang, Jianfeng, Julie Juan Li, and Jeanine Chang. 2016. Product Co-development in an Emerging Market: The Role of Buyer-Supplier Compatibility and Institutional Environment. Journal of Operations Management, 46: 69-83. Powers, Thomas, Shibin Sheng, and Julie Juan Li. 2016. Provider and Relational Determinants of Customer Solution Performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 56:14- 23. Bai, Xuan, Shibin Sheng, and Julie Juan Li. 2016. Contract Governance and Buyer-Supplier Conflict: The Moderating Role of Institutions. Journal of Operations Management, 41:12-24. Laura Poppo, Kevin Zhou, and Julie Juan Li. 2016. When Can You Trust “Trust”? Calculative Trust, Relational Trust, and Supplier Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 37(4):724-741. Jeanine Chang, Xuan Bai and Julie Juan Li. 2015. The Influence of Leadership on Product and Process Innovation in China: The Contingent Role of Knowledge Acquisition Capability. Industrial Marketing Management, 50: 18-29. Jeanine Chang, Xuan Bai, and Julie Juan Li. 2015. The Influence of Institutional Forces on IJVs’ Foreign Parents’ Opportunism and IJVs’ Relationship Extendedness. Journal of International Marketing, 23(2): 73-93. Wang, Qiong, Christopher Craighead, and Julie Juan Li. 2014. Justice Served: Mitigating Damaged Trust Stemming from Supply Chain Disruptions. Journal of Operations Management, 32(6): 374-386. Zhou, Kevin, Julie Juan Li, Shibin Sheng, and Alan Shao. 2014. The Evolving Role of Managerial Ties and Firm Capabilities in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from China. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42: 581-595. Wang, Jeff Jianfeng, Xin Zhao, and Julie Juan Li. 2013. Group Buying: A Strategic Form of Consumer Collective. Journal of Retailing, 89(3): 338-351. Wang, Qiong, Julie Juan Li, Bill Ross, and Chris Craighead. 2013. The Interplay of Drivers and Deterrents of Opportunism in Buyer-Supplier Relationships. Journal Academy of Marketing Science, 41: 111-131. Li Julie Juan. 2012. The Alignment between Organizational Control Mechanisms and Outsourcing Strategies: A Commentary Essay. Journal of Business Research, 65(9): 1384- 1386. Wang, Jeff, Xin Zhao, and Julie Juan Li. 2011. Team Purchase: A Case of Consumer Empowerment in China. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 45(3), 528-538. Li, Julie Juan and Shibin Sheng. 2011. When Does Guanxi Bolster or Damage Firm Profitability? The Contingent Effects of Firm- and Market-level Characteristics. Industrial Marketing Management, 40, 561-568. Sheng, Shibin, Kevin Zhou, and Julie Juan Li. 2011. The Effects of Business and Political Ties on Firm Performance: Evidence from China. Journal of Marketing, 75(1), 1-15, lead article Li, Julie Juan and Kevin Zhou. 2010. How Foreign Firms Achieve Competitive Advantage in the Chinese Emerging Economy: Managerial Ties and Market Orientation. Journal of Business Research, 63(August), 856-862. Li, Julie Juan, Laura Poppo, and Kevin Zhou. 2010. Relational Mechanisms, Formal Contracts, and Local Knowledge Acquisition by International Subsidiaries. Strategic Management Journal, 31(4), 349-370. Li, Julie Juan, Kevin Zhou, and Alan Shao. 2009. Competitive Strategy, Managerial Ties, and Profitability of Foreign Firms in China: An Interactive Perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(2), 339-352. Zhou, Kevin, Julie Juan Li, Nan Zhou, and Chenting Su. 2008. Market Orientation, Job Satisfaction, Product Quality, and Firm Performance: Evidence from China. Strategic Management Journal, 29(9), 985-1000. Li, Julie Juan. 2008. How to Retain Local Senior Managers in International Joint Ventures: The Effects of Alliance Relationship Characteristics. Journal of Business Research, 61(9), 986-994. Li, Caroline and Julie Juan Li. 2008. Achieving Superior Financial Performance in China: Differentiation, Cost Leadership, or Both? Journal of International Marketing, 16(3), 1-22, Equal contribution; Lead article Su, Chenting, Kevin Zhou, Nan Zhou, and Julie Juan Li. 2008. Understanding the Role of Spousal Fairness in Predicting Spousal Influence Dynamics. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(3), 378-394. Li, Julie Juan, Laura Poppo, and Kevin Zhou. 2008. Do Managerial Ties in China Always Produce Value? Competition, Uncertainty, and Domestic vs. Foreign Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 29(4), 383-400. Li, Julie Juan and Chenting Su. 2007. How Face Influences Consumption: A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Consumers. International Journal of Market Research, 49(2), 237-256. Zhou, Kevin, David Tse, and Julie Juan Li. 2006. Organizational Change in Emerging Economies: Drivers and Consequences. Journal of International Business Studies, 37(2), 248-263. Li, Julie Juan, Kevin Zhou, Simon Lam, and David Tse. 2006. Active Trust Building of Local Senior Managers in International Subsidiaries. Journal of Business Research, 59(1),73- 80. Li, Julie Juan. 2005. The Formation of Managerial Networks in Foreign Firms in China: The Effects of Strategic Orientations. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 22, 423-443. Zhou, Kevin, Julie Juan Li, and Nan Zhou. 2004. Employee’s Perceptions of Market Orientation in a Transitional Economy: China as an Example. Journal of Global Marketing, 17(4), 5-22. Book Chapters Wang, Qiong and Julie Juan Li. 2021. Managing and Repairing Supply Chains Upon Disruptions. In Thomas Choi, Julie Juan Li, Dale Rogers, Tobias Schoenherr, and Stephan Wagner (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Supply Chain Management. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Alauddin M., Julie Juan Li, Md. Asad Iqba Chowdhury. 2021. General Medical Tourism Products and Services in Bangladesh. In: Hassan A. (Ed.), Tourism Products and Services in Bangladesh. Singapore: Springer. 四、学术界服务 现任香港「大学教育资助委员会」研究资助局自资院校竞争性拨款评审委员会主席、质素保证局委员、香港学术及职业资历评审局专家、粤港澳高校市场营销研究联盟理事会副理事长、亚太营销国际学术会议理事会轮值理事长、美国市场营销学会组织间关系分会副主席、非洲应用研究和创新中心学术委员会委员、全球索引摘要数据库Scopus 商业和经济类期刊甄选主审及顾问。 Language 中文